Notice of Intention to Designate 79 Hamilton Street North, Flamborough (Vimy Memorial Oak Tree)
The City of Hamilton intends to designate the Vimy Memorial Oak Tree located at 79 Hamilton Street North, Flamborough under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, as being a property of cultural heritage value.
Statement of Cultural Heritage Value
The Vimy Memorial Oak Tree is located on the property of Legion Branch 551 within the community of Waterdown. The tree is located on the northeast corner of the property (White Oaks Drive and Hamilton Street North) adjacent to the Legion War Memorial. The tree contains historical / associative value as a living symbol of remembrance of the Canadian sacrifice at Vimy Ridge and the local soldiers who served in the First World War (1914-1918). The tree maintains lineage to the English oak trees which once grew on the Ridge and were destroyed by the shelling of the battle. Through the efforts of Lieutenant Leslie H. Miller of the Canadian Signal Corps, a handful of small acorns that were collected have produced a forest of oaks in Scarborough, Ontario which have subsequently propagated new life and meaning across Canada through the grafting, growth, and distribution of saplings. In connection with the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, these descendants of the original oaks now act to commemorate the legacy of Canadian sacrifice in the Great War.
The Vimy Memorial Oak Tree contains contextual value in its location on the property of the Legion Branch 551 (Waterdown), its adjacency to the War Memorial, and its location near other local memorials in Waterdown.
Cultural Heritage Attributes
The designation of the Vimy Memorial Oak Tree does not pertain to the wider property at 79 Hamilton Street North, Flamborough or any other natural or built heritage features on the property. Key attributes include the tree itself including all natural features: its full form, trunk, crown, limbs, branches and any other attached elements. Its planted location at the corner of White Oaks Drive and Hamilton Street North is also listed as having importance.
The Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, Description of Heritage Attributes and supporting Cultural Heritage Assessment (PDF, 5 MB) are included here and viewable online.
Written Notice of Objection
Any person may, within 30 days after the date of the publication of the Notice, serve written notice of their objections to the proposed designation, together with a statement for the objection and relevant facts.
Dated at Hamilton, this 22nd day of December, 2017.
R. Caterini
City Clerk
Hamilton, Ontario
Jeremy Parsons
Planner II: Cultural Heritage
Phone: 905-546-2424 ext. 1214
Email: [email protected]