Temporary On-Street Patios approved for installation starting this summer
Local Businesses, BIAs and Merchant Associations are encouraged to apply!
HAMILTON, ON - June 24, 2016 - The City of Hamilton today announced that local businesses, BIAs and select Merchant Associations can apply to establish temporary seasonal patios and seating areas utilizing on-street parking spaces.
Yesterday City Council approved a report that will allow for the creation of temporary on-street patios as a pilot program starting in summer 2016.
“The recommended On-Street Patio Pilot Program is in keeping with the City’s Open for Business focus,” says Jason Thorne, General Manager of Planning and Economic Development. “It also allows the enhancement of the public realm through place-making within the BIAs and some Merchant Association areas, as well as facilitating enhanced business flexibility and viability.”
For the pilot project, on-street patios will be limited to the following areas:
- A maximum of two per Business Improvement area;
- A maximum of two for the Kenilworth Merchant Association (from Main Street East to Barton Street East); and
- A maximum of two for the James Street North Merchant Association (from Rebecca Street to Murray Street)
To view criteria and to apply, visit www.hamilton.ca/onstreetpatios.
Complete applications for an on-street patio will be accepted until 4:30 pm on July 13, 2016.
On July 14, 2016 at 8:30 am at City Hall, a lottery will be held to choose the successful applicants for the pilot project.
Contact us
For further information, please contact:
Joe Muto
Senior Planner - Planning & Economic Development
Phone: 905-546-2424 ext. 7859
Email: [email protected]