Main & Whitney (HD17A) Water Pumping Station

Florentin Novac, Project Manager
City of Hamilton
Call 905-546-2424 Ext. 2823
Email [email protected]
Shelley Kuan, Project Manager
Arcadis IBI Group
Call 905-763-2322 Ext. 63600
Email [email protected]
The City has initiated a Municipal Class EA study process to develop and assess alternative solutions to replace the existing Main Street & Whitney Avenue (Main & Whitney, HD17A) Water Pumping Station (WPS).
The City of Hamilton is planning to construct a new water pumping station to replace the existing HD17A WPS at a new site near its current location to provide water service to Pressure District 17 (PD17). The purpose of this Class EA study is to determine the preferred location for a new pumping station within the Study Area to service customers in PD17, and to enhance water system security and reliability.
This study will define the problems/opportunities associated with the existing HD17A WPS, assess alternative solutions, and determine the preferred location for a new WPS. A conceptual design will be completed identifying the main design aspects of the preferred alternative. Once the new pumping station is commissioned, the existing HD17A WPS will be decommissioned, as a Schedule A+ project.
Study Area Expansion: Following the first Public Information Centre (PIC) and through evaluation and screening of the potential sites, the Study Area boundary was expanded further east.
Location: Main Street & Whitney Avenue (HD17A) Water Pumping Station
Status: Active

Classification: Schedule A+, B projects will be recommended in this Class EA. Phases 1 and 2 will be completed for this specific study in order to complete Schedule B requirements by evaluating the project impacts on technical, natural, cultural, economic and social environments. A Conceptual Design will be completed to identify the main aspects of the project preferred alternative.