Positive School Environment

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A positive learning and teaching environment is linked to student success. Promoting positive relationships, preventing bullying, and implementing equity and inclusivity will enhance school climate and a supportive learning environment.
A positive school climate exists when:
- everyone in the school community feels safe, included, and accepted.
- everyone actively promotes positive behaviours and interactions.
- equity and inclusive education are embedded in the learning environment.
- there is a culture of mutual respect.
Promote a positive school environment
Ministry of Education webpage that describes and defines the promotion of a positive school environment including links to related Ministry policy/program memorandums such as PPM 119, 144, and 145.
Positive school environment
The following ideas and resources are based on best practice recommendations from PrevNet and the CDC: School Connectedness.
Ontario Physical Health and Education Association - Ophea
Ophea has worked in partnership with school boards, public health, government, non-government organizations and companies to develop programs and services. Their vision is that children and youth value and enjoy the benefits of healthy, active living. Membership log-in required to access some resources. If you create a log-in using your Hamilton School Boards’ email, then no additional fee is required as membership should be included.
- Bullying Prevention & Intervention Resources – search the website for curriculum supports grades K-12
- Ophea: Internet Safety Resources for grades 4-8
- Gender-based Violence Prevention Education Resources – activities, resources, and videos for grades 6-12
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Resources
Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network - PREVNet
PREVNet is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub that brings together researchers and national organizations to build research capacity, assess youth relationship problems including bullying and dating violence, and promote evidence-based programs and effective policies across Canada to address and reduce youth interpersonal violence and promote healthy relationships.
School Mental Health Ontario - Healthy Relationship Skills
- Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource for Elementary Schools
- Faith and Wellness: A Daily Mental Health Resource for Elementary Schools
- Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource for Secondary Schools
- Faith and Wellness: A Daily Mental Health Resource for Secondary Schools
Rick Hansen Foundation
The Foundation’s Mission is to create and deliver innovative solutions that lead to a global movement to remove barriers and liberate the potential of people with disabilities. The foundation’s vision is for an inclusive world where people with disabilities are living to their full potential.
- Resource Library for grades K to 12
Includes free, downloadable curriculum connected resources (lesson plans, activities, videos, e-books) which provides tools for teachers and parents to help youth learn about disability, accessibility and inclusion as well as take action on issues that matter to them.
- Develop positive solutions to prevent and address bullying such as through the School Board’s bullying prevention, intervention, and follow-up plan, and the Safe and Accepting Schools Teams.
- Strategies for teachers to use in classrooms.
- Use a whole school approach which involves administration, staff, students, parents/guardians/caregivers, and the broader community.
- Identify leaders or champions from staff, students, parents/guardians/caregivers, and the community.
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 144 on Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Directs School Boards to ensure that schools have in place a Safe and Accepting Schools Team responsible for fostering a safe, inclusive, and accepting school climate that must be chaired by a staff member and include the principal, at least one parent, teacher, non-teaching staff member or community partner. It should also include at least one student. The requirement for the Safe and Accepting Schools Team can be fulfilled by an existing school committee (for example, the healthy schools committee).
Refer to youth engagement toolkits such as the:
- Student-Centered Learning Toolkit for Engaging Students in School-Based Initiatives,
- Walking the Talk: A Toolkit for Engaging Youth in Mental Health, and
- YouthREX Youth Engagement Factsheet and Webinars.
Plan activities for Bullying Awareness Week (3rd week in November), Pink Shirt Day (last Wednesday in February), and International Day of Pink (2nd Wednesday in April)
Random Acts of Kindness provides kindness resources to help you make kindness the norm.
- Promote the creation of positive, safe, accepting, and inclusive spaces in schools.
- Promote healthy relationships and a connection to caring adults within the school.
- Promote a physical environment that is safe, inclusive, and supports healthy choices for all members of the school community.
- School Mental Health Ontario
- Provide education and opportunities to enable families to be actively involved in their child’s academic and school life.
- Find fact sheets for parents from PREVNet, a Canadian network of researchers and national organizations working to prevent bullying.
Consider these resources:
- Lynwood Charlton Centre - Access & System Navigation is the place to call/connect to if you require child/youth mental health services. Call 905-389-1361 to speak to a Navigator.
- Kids Help Phone provides information for children, youth and helping adults. Call Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868.
- Roots of Empathy offers empathy-based programs in schools implemented by trained facilitators to deliver age-appropriate curriculum.
Ressources du Service de santé publique en français.
Certains renseignements et certaines ressources du Service de santé publique présentés sur cette page Web pourraient être disponibles en français. Communiquez avec l’infirmière affectée à votre école ou envoyez au courriel à [email protected] pour en savoir plus long sur les ressources et les services offerts en français.