Early Years Information
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EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free, high-quality programs for families and children from prenatal to 6 years old. You can learn and play with your child, meet people and get advice from early childhood professionals.
EarlyON Locations & Resources
KEyON Program
www.keyon.ca is a website that supports a digital sign-in tool that provides caregivers with a quick and simple way to register and sign-in at EarlyON Centres across Ontario. Once you register as a member, you will receive a QR code that will be on a key tag or may be scanned with your phone. Your KEyON account will allow you to manage your pre-registration for activities online. You can use the QR code to sign-in to any EarlyON centre throughout Ontario that has implemented KEyON. Your registration is private and secure and will be used for planning purposes to ensure your EarlyON centre is offering the best services possible.
KEyON is here in Hamilton!
Enjoy quick & easy registration for EarlyON programs.
As of May 2, 2022 you will need a KEyON account for pre-registering and signing in and out at EarlyON centres.
All adults planning to attend EarlyON programs must create their own individual KEyON account and will receive their own key tag.
- Navigate to www.keyon.ca and select “Become a Member” or “Register.”
- Enter in your first name, and last name. Enter in a username and password. Complete two security questions. Check off that you are not a robot.
- You will need to click on “Accept” to continue to the registration process. By selecting Yes, I acknowledge that the data collected in KEyON is to be used by EarlyON centres for planning and evaluation purposes only. Then click on “Register”.
- Complete Parent/Caregiver Details: phone number, email, address and emergency contact.
- Once your email address is entered, it will need to be confirmed. Click on “Confirm Your Email.” If successful, you will receive a confirmation email. Within that email, you will be asked to confirm the email address you submitted to KEyON, click on “Here to confirm” within the body of the email, from here, the registration process will continue.
- Answer two questions in the KEyON registration process below the address you entered: “Do you identify as Indigenous?” and “Primary Language”
- Then click “Save”.
- You will then be prompted to add in your child(ren)’s information. Click on “Add New Child to Account.” First you will be asked about your relationship to your child. You will need to do this for each child that is entered. Click either “Parent/Family Member” or “Caregiver.” A first name, last name and date of birth must be provided for each child you register.
- Repeat the last step for additional children in your household or under your care. Click “Next” when complete. You will be asked to confirm your child’s information, review and click “confirm” if everything is correct. Click “Finished!” for one child or add additional children.
- You will now be registered (a member of) with KEyON. With your personal information entered into the system you will need to obtain a key tag to enter and exit programs. This will save time by not having to submit your personal information every time you participate in a program.
- To obtain your key tag, follow directions in the "Getting a Key Tag/QR code" below.
Children with the same information?
There will be instances where a child being added to an account will have the same last name, date of birth and postal code as a child already registered (e.g. twins, separated parents, child care provider). When this happens, the parent/caregiver will receive a duplicate warning. The child will be added to the parent’s account but will have an X beside their name. Please contact your local EarlyON centre for assistance if this occurs.
- Log into your account at www.keyon.ca and select “Calendar.”
- Select the “City of Hamilton” from the first drop-down menu. Then select the EarlyON location of your choice from the second drop-down menu.
- On the calendar, the legend at the top will tell you which programs are available (green, orange or red checkmark) and which programs are full (red X). For questions around capacity, please contact your local EarlyON centre.
- Select an available program. Read the disclaimer and select “agree” to move to the next prompt.
- Register the number of children you plan to attend the program with you and indicate their ages.
- Once you have submitted your registration, an automated confirmation email will be sent to you. Please ensure you have your notifications turned on to receive these emails.
What if multiple adults are attending with one child?
For programs requiring pre-registration, each adult needs to complete the pre-registration process.
Why do I need to create a KEyON account?
www.keyon.ca is website that supports a digital sign-in tool that provides caregivers with a quick and simple way to register and sign-in at select EarlyON Centres across Ontario. This digital sign-in application makes accessing EarlyON programs easier and faster. As of May 2, 2022, all EarlyON pre-registration and sign-in activities in the City of Hamilton will be conducted using the KEyON system. KEyON is brand new to Hamilton and migration of EarlyON information from the old database is not possible. If you require support in setting up your KEyON account, please contact your local EarlyON centre.
If you have an existing KEyON account, you do not need to create another one to access City of Hamilton EarlyON programming.
Do I have to pre-register before I show up at an EarlyON or can I drop by?
View the calendar of the EarlyON location you are planning to visit before arriving onsite. Capacity limits are in place at all centres and some programs do require that you pre-register in advance. All EarlyON calendars are posted at www.keyon.ca.
From the Calendar page, you will see a drop-down menu in the top left corner. Use the location drop-down menu to select “City of Hamilton.” Then use the drop-down on the top right corner to select the location of your choice. If you would like to attend an online program, please select “Virtual Programming.”
Is there a limit to how many programs I can sign up for at once?
EarlyON centres using the KEyON system have set a maximum of 10 total pre-registered sessions at one time. You will be permitted by the system to register for an additional session the day after attending each of your original 10 sessions. You can check your current pre-registration status by selecting “View Pre-Registrations” at the top of your calendar page when you are logged into KEyON.
What if I bring a second adult?
All adults attending online or in-person EarlyON programs or services are required to have their own KEyON account. If the adult is attending and not bringing their own children, they should complete the pre-registration process by indicating that they are attending as only one adult.
What if I pre-register and I am not able to attend. Can I send another adult in my place?
Yes, you may send another adult in your place, however they will be required to sign-in to the program upon arrival following the existing process. All adults attending online or in-person EarlyON programs or services are required to have their own KEyON account.
How do I find the programs and services at the location that I want to attend?
When you go to the Calendar page on www.keyon.ca, you will see a drop-down menu in the top left corner. Please use the location drop-down menu to select “City of Hamilton.” Then use the drop-down on the top right corner to select the location of your choice. If you would like to attend an online program, please select “Virtual Programming.”
How do I cancel or change my pre-registration?
If you are unable to attend a program, please cancel your pre-registration so that others may attend. You may cancel right up until the start time.
After logging into your KEyON account, visit the Calendar page on www.keyon.ca and select “View Pre-Registered Programs.” To cancel your pre-registration, please select “Cancel” for the program you wish to cancel and the program will be removed from your pre-registration list. To change the number of children for your pre-registration, please select “Edit.”
Do I need my own key tag/QR code or can I share it with other members of my family?
Each adult receives their own tag. Your KEyON account allows you to easily pre-register at any of our locations and acts to verify attendance (by name) once you scan in.
The use of key tags to sign-in and out of programs is extremely important for planning purposes. It helps the City of Hamilton and the providers of EarlyON programs decide where and when to offer programs and services in the city based on participation patterns. This also helps us to tailor EarlyON programs to best serve our diverse population and determine future locations for EarlyON programming.
Data derived from KeyON is strictly used for planning and evaluation purposes only. All analysis of KEyON data is conducted at a group level, further assuring confidentiality of personal information.
Can another adult use my key tag?
In order to ensure that we have accurate information on program participation, we ask that you do not share your key tag or QR code with another adult.
I forgot/lost my key tag.
We recognize that key tags can sometimes get lost or damaged. If you have the ability, take a picture of your key tag and/or download the QR code so you have it on hand when you visit. If you require a new key tag to be assigned to your account, please , email or visit your local EarlyON centre. We will then provide you with a new key tag. If the previous key tag is found, please destroy it.
Do I need to swipe my key tag again if I come back the same day?
Yes, you can return on the same day if there is space in the program. You will need to complete the sign-in process again. Our system time stamps each visit with the number of children and adults attending.
Why is my personal information being collected?
EarlyON Child and Family Centres are funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education. As the local service system manager for EarlyON centres, the City of Hamilton is required to collect data from participants and report it to the Ontario Ministry of Education. The data that you submit helps us to meet these expectations, while also supporting support local planning and administration of the EarlyON system in Hamilton.
Questions about the collection of personal information by the City of Hamilton can be directed to: System Supervisor, EarlyONs, Children’s and Community Services Division, Healthy and Safe Communities, City of Hamilton at [email protected].
EarlyON staff managing the kiosk at the location you are attending can see your:
- KEyON username
- first and last name
- phone number
- email address
- postal code
- child’s name and age range
- emergency contact person
Data derived from KeyON is strictly used for planning and evaluation purposes only. All analysis of KEyON data is conducted at a group level, further assuring confidentiality of personal information.
Is this system private and confidential?
KEyON adheres to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection Act (MFIPPA) and the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Act (PIPEDA) as they relate to the collection, storage and reporting of data. If you have any questions regarding the privacy or confidentiality of your account with KEyON, please contact: [email protected].
- Log into your account at www.keyon.ca and select “Calendar.”
- Select “the City of Hamilton” from the first drop-down menu. Then select “Virtual Programming” from the second drop-down menu.
- On the calendar, the legend at the top will tell you which programs are available (green, orange or red checkmark) and which programs are full (red X). For questions around capacity, please contact your local EarlyON centre.
- Click an available program and agree to the disclaimer.
- Register the number of children you plan to attend the program with you and indicate their ages.
EarlyON centres across the province have different ways to distribute the key tags. Some centres will provide the tag when you visit for the first time to your pre-registered program while others may choose to mail the tag to you. Consult with your local EarlyON Centre to find out how you can receive your key tag.
Receiving a KEyON Key Tag in person
- Create a KEyON account.
- Visit your local EarlyON program location and let them know you need a key tag.
- The location will ask you some questions to verify your information and provide you with your key tag.
Receiving a KEyON Key Tag virtually
- Create a KEyON account.
- Call or email your local EarlyON centre. You will be asked to provide your first name, last name, full address, postal code and phone number. This information will be used to verify your information and provide you with a KEyON key tag.
- A photo of your KEyON key tag will be emailed back to you and your physical key tag will be mailed to your home.
- On your next visit to an in-person location, bring your KEyON key tag with you if it has arrived or bring the picture sent to you via email of your KEyON key tag. You can scan in using the picture of your key tag.
While you await the arrival of your KEyON key tag, please bring a picture of your KEyON key tag with you in print, or as a photo on your cell phone.
Downloading the QR Code
Once you have received your key tag, you can download the QR code directly to your phone.
- Log into your account at www.keyon.ca using your phone.
- Select the head icon to the left of Log Off.
- Select the option “QR Codes.”
- Select the image to download.
- The QR code should now be saved into the picture gallery on your mobile phone.
For support, please contact your local EarlyON centre.
If you are no longer able to attend your pre-registered program or you would like to make an adjustment to the number of children you have registered, please make these changes using your KEyON account.
To change or cancel your registration, please login to your KEyON account and use these steps:
- Log into your account at www.keyon.ca and navigate to “Calendar.”
- Select “the City of Hamilton” from the first drop-down menu. Then select the EarlyON location of your choice from the second drop-down menu.
- Select “View Pre-Registered Programs.”
- Select “Edit” to change the number of children registered for the program. Ensure that any children you plan on bringing to the EarlyON have been added to your EarlyON account.
- Select “Cancel” to cancel your registration for the program. All pre-registrations associated with your account for that program for both the adult and children you were planning to bring will be cancelled.
For support with the above, you can also contact your local EarlyON centre.
I’d like to close my account.
At any time, you may decide to close your KEyON account. On www.keyon.ca from the drop-down, select “Close My Account.” Once your account has been closed, your QR code will no longer work and your name will not show up in a search. If you wish to once again attend an EarlyON centre as a KEyON member, you will need to create a new account.
What happens to my information when I close my KeyON account?
Once you have closed your account, it is deactivated and your name will not show up in a search. Your visit history and account information will stay in the database for historical reporting purposes for 7 years after the last period of activity, after which any identifying data (e.g., you and your children’s names) will be replaced with a numeric ID. You may request to have your data depersonalized at any point after closing your account. If you have any questions regarding the closure of your account with KEyON, please contact: [email protected].
I forgot my username.
If you forget your username, please call or email your local EarlyON centre and provide your full name, full address (including postal code) and phone number. We will then advise you of your username. Please attempt to use the security questions to retrieve your password if needed.
I forgot my password.
Select “I forgot my password” on www.keyon.ca and answer the security questions to get a new password. If you are unable to successfully complete your security questions, please call or email your local EarlyON centre and provide your full name, full address (including postal code) and phone number. We will then provide you with a temporary password.
Why is it not accepting my username?
If you are attempting to create a KEyON account and the system does not accept your username, the username you have chosen may already be in use, or the username that you have attempted does not meet the username requirements. For help in selecting a unique username, try entering your last name followed by the last four digits of your phone number. If you already have a KEyON account, and your username is not working, please call or email your local EarlyON centre and provide your full name, full address (including postal code) and phone number. We can then confirm with you that your username is correct and provide direction in gaining access to your account.
Why is the system telling me that I cannot register for a selected program or service?
The KEyON system may limit you from pre-registering for several reasons.
- The number of people you are attempting to register is higher than the available remaining capacity for the program. Above the Calendar on www.keyon.ca you will see a colour legend indicating how much space is left in a program or service. If the program or service has a red or yellow marker beside it, this means that the program is full and/or close to capacity. This means that registration is no longer possible for this program or service, or that it is close to being full. For example, if the capacity indicator is yellow there may only be 2 spots left in the program and if you are trying to pre-register 3 people it will not allow you to register.
- If you do not have a phone number listed, the system will not enable you to pre-register. You are required to have a phone number listed in your KeyON account. You will be required to confirm the phone number when you attend our in-person locations.
- You are already pre-registered for 10 sessions. In order to ensure that access to pre-registration is fair and consistent to all, the system will only permit you to register for 10 programs at a time in the City of Hamilton, regardless of the location(s) chosen.
- The pre-registration window may be closed.