City of Hamilton Releases 2019 Federal Priorities
HAMILTON, ON - With the 2019 federal election campaign underway, the City of Hamilton has released its federal priorities aimed at building better lives for all residents and supporting community growth.
Through collaboration with the Federal Government, there is opportunity to achieve Hamilton’s five priorities:
- Modernizing the Federal–Municipal Relationship
- New Funding Tools
- Predictable Transit Funding
- Housing Affordability
- Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Support
This new initiative is a collective effort between Mayor Fred Eisenberger, councillors and the city manager’s office to better inform all federal candidates running in our community. These priorities will be provided to all candidates. Review the City of Hamilton's Federal Priorities for 2019 and Beyond (PDF, 500 KB).
“Hamilton needs strong partnerships with senior levels of government to ensure services and infrastructure can keep pace with the growing needs of our community. This useful tool will benefit all candidates of all parties as we head into the 2019 federal election.” - Mayor Fred Eisenberger