City to Hamilton’s youth: We want to hear from you
HAMILTON, ON – According to the 2016 Social Planning and Research Council’s Vital Signs report, for the first time in Hamilton’s history, at 28% of the population, millennials now out-number baby boomers in Hamilton. The City of Hamilton recognizes the role young people play in city building. To ensure Hamilton’s youth can continue to support the city’s ongoing momentum, the City has been asking residents aged 14 to 29 what they need to be successful in their city. In partnership with the Hamilton Youth Strategy Steering Committee, the City will use this input to create a 5-year Youth Strategy for Hamilton’s Youth. Input will continue to be collected until September 30, 2018.
Hamilton’s Youth Strategy will focus on supporting successes and addressing challenges facing the city’s youth. A key success factor will be to find ways the City can strengthen partnerships with agencies serving youth in Hamilton, and identify opportunities to enhance programs and services currently available to help Hamilton’s youth thrive. Hamilton’s Youth Strategy Steering Committee will provide recommendations and oversight on Strategy action items and co-present the Strategy to Hamilton City Council in Q1 2019.
Work of the Strategy Team kicked off in May with the Youth Strategy Workshop at Hamilton’s Liuna Station. The event welcomed nearly 300 youth, youth agencies and private institutions to discuss what the City does well, and where it can improve its support for Hamilton’s youth. Since then, using a variety of engagement techniques, the City has captured the voices of nearly 600 youth from across the city. This has included conversations with LGBTQ2S+, newcomer, Indigenous and youth experiencing poverty. Until September 30, the City encourages youth to share how Hamilton can be more youth friendly.
Quick Facts
- Residents are encouraged to provide their input until September 30, 2018.
- To learn more about Hamilton’s resources for youth and our process to create a Strategy for Hamilton’s youth, please visit