Time to get moving at the 6th Annual Ontario Physical Literacy Summit
HAMILTON, ON - The City of Hamilton, SportHamilton and local community partners continue to work to advance physical literacy and together are hosting this year’s 6th annual Ontario Physical Literacy Summit. This year’s summit highlights the value of enjoying daily physical activity throughout the lifespan with the theme: Moving up through all the ages and stages.
The public is invited to register and choose from over 30 sessions and four keynote speakers. This Summit brings together parents, educators, early childhood educators, students, coaches, sport and recreation providers, public health professionals, and researchers to advance the knowledge, application and implementation of physical literacy programming across the province.
Event Details
Date Friday, September 21, 2018
Time 7:30 am to 4 pm
7:30 am - Registration
8:20 am - Welcome/Opening remarks
8:45 am - Keynote speakers and sessions commence
Location Redeemer University College - 777 Garner Rd. Ancaster, ON
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Ian Pike
Professor of Pediatrics at UBC; Investigator and Co Lead of the Evidence to Innovation Research Theme, Research Institute at BC Children’s Hospital; Director of the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, and Co-executive Director, The Community Against Preventable Injuries.
Dr. John Cairney
Physical literacy, motor development, paediatric exercise and mental health expert. Professor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education.
Dr. James Mandigo
Vice Provost for Enrolment Management and International; Full Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.
Brandy Tanenbaum
Certified risk manager; Injury Coordinator, Office of Injury Prevention, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto.