Mohawk Road Ramp

Titi Onabanjo, Project Planner
Transportation Planning
Email [email protected]
Steve Molloy, Manager
Transportation Planning
Email [email protected]
The City initiated a Municipal Class EA study to determine the feasibility of a westbound access ramp to Highway 403 in Ancaster in 2013.
As part of the Ancaster Transportation Master Plan (ATMP), City Council direction was to pursue the westbound ramp access to Highway 403 from Mohawk Road in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
Project Update - Extended Study Area
Since the PIC 2 in June 2014, the City has been working with the MTO, to review the proposed Mohawk Road ramp in light of a new westbound truck climbing lane being planned by MTO. Additional traffic analysis has been undertaken to demonstrate how the truck climbing lane and on-ramp will operate safely.
Since that time, an extension of the third westbound lane from Southcote Road to Highway 6 has been considered within the extended study area.

The study is being carried out in accordance with Schedule ‘C’ of the Municipal Engineer’s Association MCEA (October 2000, as amended in 2023), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
The goals and objectives of the study are to:
- Determine the operational and geometric feasibility of a westbound on-ramp to Highway 403;
- Assess the limitations and impact of the proposed ramp on Highway 403 operations and future plans.
- Consider and assess extending a third lane (truck climbing lane) from Southcote Road to Highway 6.
Study status: Active
Classification: Schedule C