York & Valley Road (HD016) Booster Pumping Station Capacity Upgrades

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Trevor Marks, Sr Project Manager
City of Hamilton
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 6025
Email [email protected]
Samantha Zandvliet, Environmental Planner
Call 905-578-3040
Email [email protected]
In 2006, the City completed the Water and Wastewater Master Plan Class EA for lake based systems. This study recommended a Schedule 'B' project be implemented for the York & Valley Road (HD016) Booster Water Pumping Station which included station upgrades to increase the pumping capacity to meet growth demands. Due to the lapse of timed, a Class EA Addendum will be completed.
This station is located adjacent to the Borer’s Falls “Off Leash” Park in Ward 13 and it services the community of Waterdown in Ward 15.
Due to a lapse of time since filling the 2006 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Project File Report for public review, a Class EA Addendum will be completed to review the planning process to ensure that the project and mitigating measures are still valid given the current planning context. The preferred solution is to upgrade pumping capacity by expanding the HD016 pumping station within City property.
Location: York & Valley Road (HD016) Booster Pumping Station (Ward 13)
Status: Active
Classification: Schedule B Addendum